Representative Transactions

Representative Transactions: Pension & Employee Benefits

  • Represented a variety of clients (including governmental entities, 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organizations, and private companies) in their creation, modification, freezing, merger, or termination of retirement plans (including pension plans, 401(k), 403(b), 457(b), and profit-sharing plans)
  • Drafted and reviewed policies and procedures related to claim review and qualified domestic relations orders and advised clients on issues related to the implementation and qualification of domestic relations orders
  • Provided guidance on the rules associated with multiemployer pension plan withdrawal liability and the various exceptions to such rules
  • Advised clients on the fiduciary obligations imposed on administrators of employee benefit plans and drafted policies and procedures to ensure compliance with such obligations
  • Assisted a number of clients in their correction of plan errors by drafting correction applications under the IRS’s and DOL’s correction programs

Representative Transactions: Health Care and Insurance

  • Assessed possible options for the implementation of member and provider incentive programs for utilization of specific providers
  • Reviewed and synthetized laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia related to the corporate practice of medicine doctrine
  • Provided guidance regarding legal issues implicated by joint venture arrangements between health insurance companies and provider organizations
  • Assessed the laws applicable to provider profiling, provider discrimination and scope of practice in all 50 states and the District of Columbia
  • Evaluated capitation and other alternative fee arrangements in the context of “business of insurance” in multiple states and the District of Columbia