
Kirk A. Damman Receives Top Legal Innovation Award by Missouri Lawyers Media

Lewis Rice is proud to announce that Kirk A. Damman was selected to receive Missouri Lawyer's Media's Top Legal Innovation Award. The inaugural awards celebrate attorneys and businesses for their work in driving new practice areas, business strategies, and service changes. Kirk has been honored for his business strategy which "demonstrates innovation and relevance to meet the changing needs of clients."

Kirk and the 15 other honorees will be celebrated at an awards ceremony on Wednesday, December 5. To read more about the awards and see a full list of honorees, click under "Resources" below.

Kirk practices in all areas of intellectual property law, with an emphasis on helping startup and growing companies begin to manage, license, and gain value from their intellectual property (patents, trademarks, copyrights, and trade secrets) as well as obtain protection for their most important ideas and products. He works with clients whose products are as diverse as circuit and electrical designs, medical devices, computer software and Internet, heavy equipment and manufacturing, alternative energy and fuel, and consumer goods.
