Campaign Finance Law
A significant portion of our government affairs practice focuses on campaign finance and ethics laws. In this regard, we assist clients in establishing appropriate fundraising, contribution, and political spending practices, along with proper reporting procedures. We have helped organize numerous political action committees, and we serve as counsel to such committees on an ongoing basis.
We serve as treasurer to various continuing committees, advancing state and local issue campaigns, where we advise our clients on in-depth campaign finance law issues.
Given the increased scrutiny by enforcement agencies in this area, federal and state election law advice is rapidly becoming an important complement to our legislative representation. In that regard, we work with the Federal Election Commission, the Missouri Ethics Commission, local election boards, and other such regulatory and adjudicatory bodies. We appear before such agencies in matters of controversy involving the interests of our clients, as well as advising our clients on compliance issues.
Our Approach
We recognize that the community aspect of this branch of law cannot be ignored. To better understand and support the public we serve, our attorneys are extremely active in their respective communities, often assuming prominent roles on policy and public service matters. In this capacity and by providing top-quality legal service to major institutions and organizations, we have established relationships with key decision makers at all levels of government and the community.
Our commitment to the community has earned Lewis Rice the high level of respect and credibility that is critical to achieving our clients' goals.