Lewis Rice has an extensive Appellate Litigation Practice. Our attorneys have prosecuted and defended appeals in state appellate courts throughout Missouri, Kansas, and Illinois, and in federal courts nationwide.
Our Services
The Firm's appellate litigation practice has encompassed virtually all of the substantive areas of law in which the Firm practices. Our attorneys have represented clients in the following appellate courts:
- The Supreme Court of Missouri and Missouri Courts of Appeal
- The Supreme Court of Illinois and Illinois Courts of Appeal
- The Supreme Court of Kansas and Kansas Courts of Appeal
- The United States Supreme Court
- The United States Courts of Appeals for the Second, Third, Fifth, Seventh, Eighth, Ninth, Tenth and Federal Circuits
Additionally, we have established an Appellate Litigation Committee, consisting of former appellate court clerks who regularly appear in the various state and federal appellate courts. The Committee works with trial counsel to ensure appellate rule compliance and to develop effective appellate strategies for each particular appellate court.